As a member of the board, you’re entrusted with important decisions that will affect the future of your business or organization. In many instances you’ll be making decisions at a board meeting. It is vital that everyone in the room be fully engaged and focused. If your board meeting is held remotely, it can be difficult to keep everyone’s focus. This article will show you how to conduct a board meeting remotely to maximize the efficiency and efficiency of your meetings.

Make sure that everyone can access the information, documents and data needed to be productive. Consider sharing documents in advance so that attendees can read them before the meeting. This will reduce the need to ask questions if the answers are available by simply looking through the document.

Use slides that slide transitions to highlight important details at the start of your meeting. This can include the consent schedule, action items and financial reports. This will help organize your meeting and keep the conversation flowing.

Encourage people to speak if necessary to encourage participation. This can be accomplished by calling a roll and announcing every attendee’s name. It’s also an excellent idea to avoid scheduling meetings around meal times, to avoid eating on camera or distracting other people in the room.

Conduct a tech check prior to the start of the meeting to avoid interruptions and technical glitches which can take up precious time. It’s normal for people to forget to perform this and therefore it’s recommended to send a reminder to walk everyone through checking their microphones, cameras, and software before the meeting starts.