Essential Responsibilities of Boards of Directors The board of directors plays an important part in the management of a company. The board is comprised of people with different backgrounds and skills who are not associated with the...

How to Choose the Best Board Room Provider

Board room providers can assist businesses to manage online meetings regardless of where team members are located. They provide secure platforms to share and collaborate and provide additional features which make them a good option for commercial enterprises. However,...

Global Mergers and Acquisitions

In my latest blog post recitals the most memorable performances are when two partners perform as one with their individual spins, twirls, and turns woven into an effortless whole. It is the...

Looking For the Best Data Room Solution? When choosing the right solution for your data storage, you must ensure that it is simple to use and has an easy learning curve. It should offer 24 hour customer support in case you have any issues or...

How to Perform an Effective Data Room Review

data security features If a company is in the process of preparing to sell, it usually has a large number of documents, files and data to provide potential buyers. These documents must be organized, categorized and labeled so that all stakeholders can easily get the...

Everything About VDRs The most effective VDRs are easy to use and accessible on multiple devices. They also offer transparency in pricing, industry-leading security, and 24-hour customer support. Look for a...

How to Choose a Board Room Service Provider

A service provider for board rooms is a company that gives conference rooms with audiovisual equipment for business meetings. They provide a software application that lets businesses manage online panel meetings, upload desk supplies and organize meetings daily...

The Benefits of a VDR Review

If you're an investment banking professional advising clients or a company that is sharing sensitive documents beyond the firewall, there are plenty of aspects to consider when selecting a virtual data room (VDR). A VDR review is a procedure utilized by companies and...

What Is Business Software? Business software is a collection of computer software that automatizes and streamlines a company's business processes. This allows the company to run more efficiently, with no mistakes. These software tools are often used to...

Managing Business Deals

Deal management is the process of monitoring and coordinating the various phases of a business transaction from beginning to closing. It's about maximising value and minimizing risks for all parties. It is an essential aspect of sales and an essential part of the...



Voces de Toledo


Michel et Yasuko Bouvard


Maurizo Salerno

16 NOV

Daniele Dori

23 NOV

Lucile Dollat

30 NOV

Fundación Pedalier nace en Toledo con el objetivo de llegar al espíritu humano a través de la música y de otras actividades culturales. Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, que quiere contribuir desde la identidad que le marcan sus estatutos a crear y difundir la cultura, que eleva y dignifica al hombre. Cuenta, para ello, con diferentes recursos, particularmente con un nuevo órgano de alta calidad, instalado en la Iglesia de Santo Tomé, al servicio de sus fines fundacionales.

La riqueza del misterio de Cristo -su nacimiento en la carne, su muerte redentora y su resurrección gloriosa-, que se han hecho cultura a lo largo de los siglos, ha ido plasmándose en distintas expresiones artísticas en las que, por el camino de la belleza, el hombre es conducido a la verdad y a la bondad más profunda de sí mismo.

Y es llevado a entrar en profunda comunión con el Dios unitrino, revelado por Jesucristo al llegar la plenitud de los tiempos.

La Fundación Pedalier quiere hacer este servicio al hombre de nuestros días, poniéndole en contacto con la belleza que es Cristo, único salvador de todos los hombres. De esta manera, la música en general y la música religiosa en particular se ponen al servicio de la evangelización, es decir, para mostrar a todos los hombres, creyentes y no creyentes, el rostro amable y fascinante de un Dios que se compromete con el hombre hasta el final, que comparte el sufrimiento y la muerte del hombre, hasta conducirlo a su plena transfiguración, a su divinización.




Muchos de los mejores organistas del mundo han pasado por el Festival Internacional de Órgano de Toledo desde 2004

¿Dónde está la Iglesia de Santo Tomé?